Thursday, December 9, 2010

Risk Based Pricing Webinar

RouteOne has a free Risk-Based Pricing webinar that in my opinion is worth a look. 

Here is a link to register:

P.S. I am not affiliated in any way with RouteOne nor are they paying me for this endorsement. If they would like to... hint hint... send an email to to receive the details. 

Anyway - I hope all of you finish December very strong. Every F&I Manager I have talked with has had a better year than they did in 2009. Let December be no exception!



Next Post: Risk-Based Pricing Rule: Further Clarification 

Back to the Auto Finance Insider blog homepage:


Profit Drivers said...

What is "Risk Based Pricing"? I'm not familiar with that term. Thanks.

Auto Finance Insider (AFI) said...

More government regulation. Effective Jan 1st, dealers will need to give EVERY applicant for credit - whether or not they get financed - a notice that:

1. Shows them their credit score and which CRA it was pulled from,

2. Tells them what a credit score is and steps they can take to change it,

3. Displays a bar chart or other visual that shows where their credit score compares with the national average.

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